How to Apply for a South Korea Tourist Visa (for Filipinos)


I had the opportunity to visit the very beautiful and exciting city of Seoul, South Korea early 2015. When it comes to travelling abroad, I really prefer vising countries with winter rather than those tropical or sunny countries. I really feel that during winter season, I can roam around without so much hassle of getting to much sweat and grossed face LOL!!! In addition, we don’t have winter here in Manila and I really enjoy winter with snow of course!

South Korea is one of the most popular destination for Filipino travelers. One of the main reason is the all year round available affordable air fares and accomodation to South Korea. In addition, many are really interested with the “KPOP” Culture.

Apply for a Korean Visa is very easy and personally, it is one of the smoothest, organized and hassle free application I’ve ever experienced. A Single-entry tourists visa are good for 3 months from their date of issue, so I suggest applying 1-2 months before your trip.


Tourist Visa Requirements for First Time Applicants

  1. Application Form – [download]
  2. One (1) Passport size colored picture (34mm x 45mm)
  3. Original Passport (6 months valid)
  4. Photocopy of Passport Bio-page
  5. Original Certificate of Employment, if employed
  6. Photocopy of Business Registration and Business Permit, if self-employed
  7. Original Personal Bank Certificate issued by bank (NOT Bank Statement, NOT Passbook)
  8. Photocopy of ITR (Income Tax Return) or Form 2316
  9. [optional] Invitation Letter & Copy of inviter’s Passport, if invited by Korean resident.
  10. [optional] Invitation Letter & Copy of Korean Company Business Permit, if invited by Korean company.

Tourist Visa Requirements for Frequent Travelers

  1. Application Form – [download]
  2. One (1) Passport size colored picture (34mm x 45mm)
  3. Original Passport (6 months valid)
  4. Photocopy of Passport Bio-page
  5. Original & Copy of valid visas and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years. CLICK HERE for a list of OECD member countries.
  6. Original Certificate of Employment, if employed
  7. Photocopy of Business Registration and Business Permit, if self-employed
  8. Original Personal Bank Certificate issued by bank (NOT Bank Statement, NOT Passbook)

Where to Apply Korean Tourist Visa in the Philippines?

Address : 122 Upper McKinley Road
McKinley Town Center, Fort Bonifacio
Taguig city 1634, Philippines

Tel: +632 856-9210
Fax: +632 856-9008
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-5:30PM

Applications are accepted, no need to schedule
Filing: Mon-Fri, 9-11AM
Releasing: Mon-Fri, 2-4PM

First Time Applicants: Windows 1 & 2
Frequent Travelers: Window 3

How long is it to Apply Korean Tourist Visa in the Philippines?

First Time Applicants: 5 working days
Frequent Travelers: 3-4 working days

How much is the visa fee of Korean Tourist Visa?

59 days (or less) stay in Korea — GRATIS
60 to 90 days stay in Korea — PHP1,800.00

I wish you the best of luck in your application 🙂

NOTE: I am not a VISA Expert. This is just based on personal application process.

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