A Pharmacist wins Bb Pilipinas Universe 2012 Title #MissUniverse

MANILA, Philippines (3rd UPDATE) – A pharmacy graduate of University of Sto. Tomas (UST) was crowned Bb. Pilipinas Universe 2012 at the Araneta Coliseum on Sunday night.

Janine Tugonon defeated 29 other contestants for the right to represent the country in this year’s Ms. Universe contest in Florida, USA.

In the question and answer portion for the 12 semi-finalists, Tugonon was asked the question, “Many women nowadays forego a happy family life for a successful career. How do you feel about this?”

Her answer was: “Well, I believe that women have the right to choose between what they want, but for me, you’ll have to go for what God has called you to do, whatever it is between the two. You must do what your purpose is in this world. Just have a child-like faith and a mature obedience and everything will go smooth.”

Tugonon was UST’s 2009 Ms. Pharmacy and 2010 Ms. Thomasian Personality or Ms. UST.

Brains and beauty

According to her Facebook Fan Page, the new Bb. Pilipinas Universe “graduated cum laude from UST and top-ranked the Pharmacy Board Examination in 2010” with a score of 82.05%.

She grew up without a father and “never experienced a father’s warm embrace nor felt her father’s moral support in her undertakings,” her fan page says. “There were only her mom, elder sister and grandparents (now deceased) who made a complete family picture for her.”

“Janine does not entertain the term ‘broken family’. Despite her situation, Janine made sure that the path she created would always be towards her goal. She was a constant honor student since preparatory school where she graduated salutatorian. She was best in English in high school and got hooked up in ballet,” the fan page says.

“She may not be drop-dead gorgeous beauty, but Janine epitomizes what a true Filipina should be. Her beauty is very Filipina, a young lass who still was able to preserve our moral and ethical values. Her simplicity defines elegance and most of all, she has character and substance – all the traits that a beauty queen should possess,” it adds.

Nicole Schmitz is Ms. International

Nicole Schmitz won Bb. Pilipinas International, while Katrina Jayne Dimaranan won Bb. Pilipinas Tourism.

Annalie Flores was awarded 2nd runner-up, while Elaine Kay Moll won 1st runner-up.

For the special awards, Schmitz won Best in Swimsuit and Best in National Costume.

Angelee delos Reyes won Best in Long Gown.

The People’s Binibini 2012, which is based on text votes, went to Giselle Angelica Muñoz.

Karen Gallman won Ms. Photogenic while Chloe Zanardi won Ms. Friendship.

Dimaranan also took the Best Talent award.

This year’s Bb. Pilipinas was hosted by Xian Lim, Iza Calzado, Ms. Universe 2010 4th runner-up Venus Raj, and Georgina Wilson.

There were 12 judges in this year’s contest, including Ms. International Lara Quigaman, Richard Gomez, and Fil-British football star Phil Younghusband  as chairman of the board.

Journey’s frontman Arnel Pineda and Pinoy music icon Bamboo were guest performers. They serenaded the women during the long gown competition.

Tugonon hopes to do better than Shamcey Supsup, who won 3rd runner-up in the 2011 Ms. Universe pageant held in Sau Paolo, Brazil.

Venus Raj placed 4th runner-up in the Ms. Universe pageant in 2010.

The Philippines has so far produced 2 Ms. Universe winners: Gloria Diaz and Margie Moran.  Three Pinays have also won Ms. International: Aurora Pijuan, Melanie Marquez, and Lara Quigaman.

More than 100 aspirants

According to Binibining Pilipinas Charities Inc. chairperson, Stella Marquez Araneta, “this year’s batch was most impressive because of the beauty and the intelligence of the ladies who made it to the cut.”

Out of more than 100 aspirants, only 30 made it to the final cut.

“The past years saw the Philippines, through the Bb. Pilipinas pageant, reclaim its lofty stature as the beauty capital of Asia,” she said. “In a way, this has added positive pressure to the girls in the sense that not only are they stunning to look at. This batch is also considered as one of the most accomplished. I guess the back-to-back performances of Venus Raj and Shamcey Supsup really upped the ante for Filipino beauty pageants.”

Binibining Pilipinas Charities Inc. said it “sends out the most beautiful, accomplished and deserving Filipina representatives to the prestigious Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Tourism Queen International pageants where they compete against almost 100 countries.”

Paula M. Shugart, President of the Miss Universe Organization, says that winning the crown “means an opportunity to represent one’s country and a chance to compete for the most recognized title in the world. Eventually, this same woman will lend her voice to important social causes.”

The current Ms. Universe is Ms. Leila Lopes of Angola. In her message to all 30 Bb. Pilipinas contestants, she said: “This is where it all starts. I hope you embrace this experience and enjoy every minute you compete. You are all accomplished and skillful women who have the opportunity to represent your country. The power of the crown and the sash motivate me to continue my work and raise awareness for my causes.”


Thanks to ABS CBN News for the Article


Get to know Bb.Pilipinas Candidate #1: Karen Gallman #MissUniverse

Candidate No. 1 :  Karen Gallman

Age : 19
Height : 5’5 1/2”

Karen was born and raised in Ubay, Bohol and proud of having “Bisaya” as her first language. It is her first time to join a beauty pageant but has always had a fascination for pageants even as a child. She desires to be a beauty queen convinced that by being so, she can work for the betterment of society. Karen is a certified “beach chick” who loves the water. She migrated to Australia when she was eight and returned to Manila when she turned fifteen. Karen also loves playing netball and touch football.

Get to know Bb.Pilipinas Candidate #2: Romelin Roxane de Castro #MissUniverse

Candidate No. 2 : Romelin Roxane de Castro

Age : 20
Height : 5’5”

This lady is Taguig City’s pride. Currently a 4th year Mass Communications student at St. Paul University Manila, she dreams of being an actress and in fact took up Mass Comm as a step towards her dream. She believes that she is a good leader and is also into martial arts like judo and karate ever since she was thirteen. She also took up swimming and her idol is a swimmer too – Enchong Dee.

Get to know Bb.Pilipinas Candidate #3: Nicole Marable #MissUniverse

Candidate No. 3  :  Nicole Marable
Age : 17
Height : 5’6”

Nicole hails from Quezon City. Although she speaks with an accent influenced by her Australian buddies, she considers herself as pure Pinoy. It is her first time to join a national beauty pageant upon the prodding of family and friends. She is interested in history and philosophy because these open her eyes to the world. She says that she joined the pageant to be an inspiration to her fellow teenagers, share with them her experiences and the values she learned, especially appreciating life and valuing inner beauty.

Get to know Bb.Pilipinas Candidate #4: Jaine Hidalgo #MissUniverse

Candidate No. 4 :  Jaine Hidalgo
Age : 25

Height : 5’6 1/2”

This lady from Naga City, Camarines Sur is a registered nurse, a product of the Unibersidad de Santa Isabel in Naga City. She is very sports-minded and loves extreme sports such as wakeboarding. She is also into badminton, table tennis and swimming. She even swam with the whale sharks in Donsol! Her pageant experience includes Ms. Kaogma Festival 2012, Miss Bikolandia 2010, Miss May-Ylaud Festival 2010.

Get to know Bb.Pilipinas Candidate #5:Rose Ann Aguilar #MissUniverse

Candidate No. 5 :  Rose Ann Aguilar

Age : 24

Height : 5’6”

It is the second time for this Caviteña to join a pageant, the first one being in 2010. After that 2010 stint, she trained harder and feels more ready for the competition this year. The loves to cook especially Italian food and plays basketball and is passionate about cars. She had a harrowing experience three years ago as a kidnap victim which taught her to appreciate the more important things in life.

Get to know Bb.Pilipinas Candidate #6: Maria Alicia Elena Ariosa #MissUniverse

Candidate No. 6 :  Maria Alicia Elena Ariosa
Age : 24
Height : 5’5”

This girl who hails from Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur is a registered nurse and a “lady farmer.” Her family is into agri business such as prawn farming, rice and rubber plantations. She helps out in the family farm where she says that it is “the opposite of what I like because it is hard work and bawal ang maging maarte.” She sees the competition as a win-win situation, an opportunity to gain friends, reach your maximum potential and learn new things. She plays the piano, makes necklaces and bracelets and reads a lot of fashion magazines.

Get to know Bb.Pilipinas Candidate #7: Patricia Lae Ejercitado #MissUniverse

Candidate No. 7 :  Patricia Lae Ejercitado

Age : 23
Height : 5’6”

Patricia comes from Cainta, Rizal and is a practicing interior designer. She graduated from BS Interior Design from the University of Santo Tomas and got her license in 2011. She has done designs for restaurants, and residences. It is her second time to join the pageant after her first try in 2010. She has tried to polish her catwalk skills, make up, personality development and reviewed previous pageants to prep her for this year. She is also into painting and the visual arts, usually painting religious images to give to her friends and family.

Get to know Bb.Pilipinas Candidate #8: Nicole Schmitz #MissUniverse

Candidate No. 8 : Nicole Schmitz

Age : 23
Height : 5’7”

Representing Cebu City, Nicole will soon be the holder of two degrees – Law and Psychology, in Australia. She is set to graduate from Law by the end of 2012 and graduated in Psychology with honors. She is a keen traveler and plans to climb the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. She also loves extreme sports, white water rafting, hand gliding and dances the salsa. Her dad is German and her mom is from Cebu. It is her second time to join the pageant, the first time being in 2007 when she was just 18. Joining the Bb. Pilipinas has always been top of her mind because she feels that she has a lot to offer to the pageant.

Get to know Bb.Pilipinas Candidate #9: Mary Jean Lastimosa #MissUniverse

Candidate No. 9 : Mary Jean Lastimosa

Age : 24

Height : 5’7”

This Davaoeña knows how to play the violin and has spent some time in North Cotabato where she personally witnessed people getting killed and bombs exploding everywhere. The experiences have taught her to be a strong, brave, independent and resilient woman. MJ landed the 2nd runner up spot in last year’s Binibining Pilipinas Pageant. Her pageant experience also includes the Aliwan Festival Queen 2008 and Mutya ng Davao 2008.