National Costume of Miss Philippines, Shamcey Supsup #MissUniverse (Photo and Video)



Miss Philippine’s national Costume consists of a white lace bodice ‘Chantilly, WELL ADJUSTED TO THEIR SLEEVES STYLE ‘Terno’ that suits the country’s symbol, VA ELICA flange with MANTERIALES BOREAL AND WHITE SCARF STYLE TAKES ‘MANILA ‘Notes on the bodice in a style of scarf or stole. THE SKIRT IS A LARGE CUT COPPER COLOR ATORNASOLADO, VA Point THOUSANDS OF DECORATED WITH BUTTERFLIES ACETATE TRANSPARENT MATERIALS BOREAL GOLD-COPPER EFFECT, THEY GO IN DIFFERENT SIZES completed in full skirt, Corona SINGLE PLAYED IN A GLASS. (Source: OPMB, Translated in English)’


DESIGNER: Alfredo Barazza


Special Thanks to: OPMB and fotoarena

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