What is a Mineral Make Up?

The ingredients come from nature that is why most people love it
The ingredients come from nature that is why most people love it


Mineral make up is becoming increasing popular and a hot item right now. More and more brands every day are starting to release mineral makeup lines. But what is mineral makeup? And is it really better than normal makeup for your skin?

Mineral makeup is made only from naturally occurring minerals (like titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and mica) that are finely crushed and milled.


Is mineral makeup really all natural?

Because it is created with minerals found in nature, mineral makeup is touted to be all natural. Pure mineral make up doesn’t contain oils, preservatives, fragrances, alcohol, talc and dyes. However, the regulations for what constitutes mineral makeup is not very clear and therefore, any products containing minerals as a primary ingredient, even if it contains preservatives and other chemicals, can be marketed as mineral makeup.


Skin Benefits

Pure mineral makeup is good for skin because, being final milled, it is not comedogenic and won’t clog your pores. It is also especially good for people with sensitive skin as it doesn’t contain chemicals that irritate the skin.

  • Natural look and feel
  • Stays on all day long
  • Good for sensitive skin
  • It’s anti-inflammatory
  • No harmful ingredients


Sun protection

Mineral makeup contains titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, who are the best two sunscreen ingredients as they protect from both UVA and UVB rays. However, they are used in powder forms and can easily be brushed off. While mineral makeup offers some UV protection, you should always apply sunscreen before makeup.



Mineral makeup is light but you can achieve full coverage layering on the powder until you get the effect you want.



These products come in loose powders form and are usually applied with a kabuki or large fluffly brush. First, cleanse and moisturize your face. Then, swirl the brush in the cap and tap off any excess powder. Apply it in a circular downward motion starting from the center of your face.

Best of all, because mineral powders are inorganic and contain no moisture, bacteria do not grow and no preservatives are needed.  Mineral make up works very well for some people, while others report breakouts and irritation. Mineral makeup is not all the same. Different brands use different ingredients and formulations, so you just need to experiment until you find the right products that work for you.